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Scientific Findings

This page will provide you with findings from several different studies on the nootropics present in Boost Coffee. To make it easy to understand I have used simple phrasing so that everyone that reads can have a good idea of the benefits of these nootropics!

This page will highlight all the scientific findings, proof and evidence that support the claims Boost Coffee makes about it's supplements and the effectiveness of the nootropics added in combination to our coffee! So if you have any doubts look no further.


L-Theanine promotes a state of relaxation and calmness. Reduces Stress and anxiety and when mixed with caffeine promotes elongated highly concentrated energy levels without the nasty side effects of caffeine. Relaxed Hyper-Focus

​1. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial:

  • The paper concludes that L-theanine has the potential to promote mental health in the general population with stress-related ailments and cognitive impairments. The study showed that L-theanine administration for four weeks improved stress-related symptoms and cognitive functions in healthy adults​.​

2. The effects of l-theanine, caffeine and their combination on cognition and mood

  • L-theanine and caffeine may have a different pharmacological profile than caffeine alone. The combination led to faster simple reaction time, faster numeric working memory reaction time, improved sentence verification accuracy, and reduced 'headache' and 'tired' ratings while increasing 'alert' ratings. 

3. l-Theanine and caffeine improve task switching but not intersensory attention or subjective alertness

  • The combination of l-theanine and caffeine significantly improved attention on a switch task compared to the placebo. However, there were no significant improvements in subjective alertness or intersensory attention. The results support previous evidence that the combination of l-theanine and caffeine can enhance attention.

  • The study also mentioned previous research that has shown the individual effects of l-theanine and caffeine. Caffeine has been reported to enhance cognitive performance and alertness, while l-theanine has been found to increase relaxation and improve certain cognitive tasks. However, the effects seem to be more pronounced when the two ingredients are combined.

  • Overall, the study provides further evidence that the combination of l-theanine and caffeine can improve attention, specifically on tasks involving task switching.

4. How does the tea L-theanine buffer stress and anxiety

  • This paper discusses the relaxation effect of L-Theanine, an amino acid found in green tea leaves. This is because of its ability to compete with glutamate (excitatory neurotransmitter, plays a major role in learning and memory) for receptors and pass the blood-brain barrier (brain security guard, lets in important things that the brain needs to function properly).

5. Psychological effects of dietary components of tea: caffeine and L-theanine

  • This study examines the effects of L-theanine and Caffeine found in green tea. The same combination of nootropics found in Boost Coffee. Here are the results:

  • increased wakefulness, vigor, energy, clarity of thought, and efficiency.

  • Caffeinated tea also showed longer-term benefits such as lower sedation or fatigue compared to coffee and less disruption on sleep quality

  •  Regarding cognitive performance, studies primarily focused on simple tasks, showing that caffeine in tea had positive effects on speed of perception (processing of information and response to visual/auditory stimuli) with lower doses and in higher doses enhances maintenance of performance (ability to sustain and maintain cognitive performance over a period of time).

6. The combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine on cognitive performance and mood

  • The combination of L-theanine and caffeine had positive effects on cognitive performance. It improved both the speed and accuracy of completing tasks that required switching attention between different things. This improvement was observed 60 minutes after consuming the combination.

  • The study also showed individuals were less likely to be affected or disturbed by irrelevant information when trying to remember things. This was observed 60-90 minutes after consuming the combination

  • Beneficial for improving performance on cognitively demanding tasks

  • A recent study found that L-theanine enhances the brain's anticipatory alpha waves, which are associated with attention. This suggests that L-theanine can improve the ability to concentrate and focus when engaged in mentally demanding tasks.

  • Taking a combination of 150 mg caffeine and 250 mg L-theanine led to significant improvements in simple reaction time, speed of numeric working memory, word recognition, and accuracy of sentence verification. Neither caffeine nor L-theanine alone had the same effect. Additionally, the combination of L-theanine and caffeine improved alertness and reduced tiredness.

7. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine improves cognitive performance and increases subjective alertness

  • This study looked at the effects of caffeine and L-theanine on thinking and mood in healthy people

  • The combination of L-theanine and caffeine improved both the speed and accuracy of attention-switching tasks after 60 minutes. It also helped reduce distractions during memory tasks at both 60 and 90 minutes

  • These findings suggest that combining L-theanine and caffeine can be helpful for improving performance on mentally challenging tasks

  • L-theanine can enhance attention and focus when people are mentally active. The combination of L-theanine and caffeine also helped with alertness and reduced fatigue

8. Effects of L-theanine on the release of alpha-brain waves in human volunteers  [1998]

  • This study examined the effects of L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, on brain waves and relaxation in human volunteers

  • When participants consumed 200 mg of L-theanine dissolved in water, it caused the brain to produce alpha waves, which are associated with a relaxed state

  • The intensity of these alpha waves was higher in individuals with higher anxiety levels compared to those with lower anxiety levels. These findings suggest that L-theanine has a potential relaxing effect and could be used as a functional ingredient in foods and beverages

  • The study also noted that L-theanine has been shown to be safe in animal experiments and that previous research has demonstrated its ability to control caffeine-induced jitteriness

9. Effects of L-theanine or caffeine intake on changes in blood pressure under physical and psychological stresses

  • ​This study investigated the effects of orally L-theanine and caffeine on mental task performance and physiological responses in individuals exposed to stress (physical/psychological)

  • L-theanine reduced anxiety: Participants had a higher blood pressure when they would be exposed to these stressors without L-theanine and the blood pressure would go down when taking L-theanine. This suggests that L-theanine has an anxiety-reducing effect

  • Blood pressure regulation: L-theanine exhibited a beneficial effect on blood pressure in individuals who were more susceptible to stress. It helped reduce the rise in blood pressure during mentally challenging tasks

  • L-theanine and Caffeine reduces anxiety and helps regulate blood pressure during mentally challenging tasks. This highlights the potential use of L-theanine as a natural supplement to improve mental performance and reduce stress-related symptoms

10. The Cognitive-Enhancing Outcomes of Caffeine and L-theanine: A Systematic Review

  • This study evaluates the effects of the combination of L-theanine and caffeine on various cognitive outcomes. The findings suggest several benefits of this combination, including improvements in attention, cognition, inhibitory control, and reduced mind-wandering

  • Improvements in ADHD-related impairments: L-theanine-caffeine combination improved impairments related to ADHD, including maintained attention, control on inhibition, and general cognition in boys with ADHD. This suggests that the combination may have potential therapeutic benefits for ADHD

  • Enhanced attention and cognition: L-theanine-caffeine combination improved attention and target reaction times in a visual colour stimulus discrimination task (used to assess attention, memory, or cognitive processes on color perception). The combination decreased mind-wandering and increased neural resources related to attention, leading to improved cognitive performance

  • Improved selective attention: The combination of L-theanine and caffeine has been found to enhance cognitive abilities and neurological responses related to selective attention. This improvement suggests that the combination enhances both visual and motor processing

  • Positive effects on mood and fatigue: Participants taking the L-theanine-caffeine combination reported reduced ratings of headaches and tiredness, while alertness ratings were increased. The combination also relieved mental fatigue.

  • Performance under stress conditions: The combination of Matcha and caffeine (also containing L-theanine) improved work performance and attention under psychological stress compared to caffeine alone. It showed positive effects on attention and work performance during and after stressful situations. 


1. Effects of l-Tyrosine on working memory and inhibitory control are determined by DRD2 genotypes: A randomized controlled trial

  • This study looked at how taking tyrosine supplements affects our ability to think and control our thoughts, and whether our genes can influence how we respond to tyrosine

  • The results showed that tyrosine can make us better at solving problems and dealing with conflicting information, but it doesn't seem to help with ignoring distractions (good thing that's what L-theanine is for ;)). When one supplement doesn't help with one thing the other supplement does, that is why this is the best nootropic stack (combination on the market). 

  • Overall, this research suggests that our genes can affect how tyrosine improves our thinking abilities

2. Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands—A review

  • This study explored the effects of taking L-tyrosine on cognitive performance in stressful situations

  • It found that L-tyrosine can improve cognitive functions like short-term memory (what did I just read again?) and improved the suppression of impulsive thoughts or behaviours (hmm.. I wonder if they texted me back..) but only when individuals are faced with challenging tasks that induce a stress-like state. 

  • Counteracts stress within neurotransmitters in the brain by protecting norepinephrine and dopamine (we all love dopamine! Say thanks to L-tyrosine rn). 

  • L-tyrosine shows promise as a cognitive enhancer, particularly in stressful or demanding situations (literally everything a student does on a daily basis: homework, studying, exams, midterms, quizzes, group projects, talking to people in general... you name it)

3. Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress

  • The study looked at the effects of giving people tyrosine, an amino acid (building block protein) that can be found in high protein foods, on their brain function and blood pressure

  • 70 minutes after consuming L-tyrosine, researchers found that when participants took tyrosine, their performance improved on two tasks that measured memory and attention

  • Taking tyrosine seemed to help people do better on memory and attention tasks, especially when they were stressed. It also caused a temporary decrease in blood pressure

4. Food for creativity: tyrosine promotes deep thinking

  • This study is about how L-tyrosine can help people think creatively

  • L-tyrosine is shown to help people creatively think of different solutions to a problem (convergent thinking)

  • This study shows that L-tyrosine can help us on creative tasks that require focus and control and finding solutions to problems (otherwise known as every single piece of homework ever).

5. Tyrosine improves cognitive performance and reduces blood pressure in cadets after one week of a combat training course

  • The study examined the effects L-tyrosine on cognitive performance, mood, blood pressure, and a specific chemical in the body in a group of 21 military cadets undergoing intense combat training

  • The group given the tyrosine-rich drink performed better on memory and tracking tasks compared to the placebo group

  • L-tyrosine supplementation may help reduce the negative effects of stress and fatigue on cognitive performance during challenging military training (If it can do that for military training just think what it can do for you grinding that essay at 1am)

6. Behavioral and cognitive effects of tyrosine intake in healthy human adults

  • This study is a review of 15 other different studies focusing on the effects of L-tyrosine. 

  • L-tyrosine supplementation can help counteract declines in working memory and information processing caused by challenging conditions like extreme weather or cognitive load

  • Positive effects of tyrosine on cognition may be due to its ability to restore depleted levels of certain brain chemicals

  • Increasing tyrosine intake can be beneficial for psychological functioning

7. Effects of acute caffeine, theanine and tyrosine supplementation on mental and physical performance in athletes

  • For all you student-athletes out there listen up:​

  • The study investigated the effects of combining caffeine with theanine and tyrosine on athletes' movement accuracy during intense exercise

  • Supplementing with L-theanine, L-tyrosine and caffeine (all included in Boost) can enhance athletes' movement accuracy during exhaustive exercise without changing their mental state

  • This suggests that athletes in sports that require quick and precise movements may benefit from using caffeine, theanine, and tyrosine supplements to improve performance

8. Working memory reloaded: tyrosine repletes updating in the N-back task

  • L-tyrosine can improve cognitive performance by replenishing the cognitive resources needed for cognitive control operations (cognitive control operations are responsible for focused attention, decision-making, problem-solving, and self-control. Cognitive control operations involve the ability to inhibit irrelevant information, shift attention when needed, update working memory, and flexibly adjust cognitive strategies).

  • L-tyrosine was shown to effectively provide the resources needed to support cognitive control operations when they are needed and are being used. 

  • Can enhance cognition by replenishing the resources necessary for cognitive control operations

9. Baseline-dependent effect of dopamine’s precursor L-tyrosine on working memory gating but not updating

  • The study explored the impact of L-tyrosine, a substance that affects dopamine in the brain, on specific aspects of working memory called gate opening and updating (gate opening refers to the ability to let new information into our memory, while updating involves keeping that information up-to-date)

  • Those who initially performed poorly on the memory tasks improved when taking L-tyrosine, but individuals who were already performing well experienced a decline in their performance with L-tyrosine

  • The above refers to dopamine levels and having a too high amount of dopamine or too low amount of dopamine will have sporadic results

  • Dopamine has a sweet spot where it enhances working memory, but too little or too much dopamine can be detrimental (good thing our nootropic stack helps regulate appropriate amounts of dopamine...)

10. Food for thought: association between dietary tyrosine and cognitive performance in younger and older adults

  • The study examined the relationship between tyrosine intake and cognitive performance in both younger and older adults

  • This study found found that higher habitual tyrosine intake was associated with better cognitive performance in areas such as working memory (short term memory), fluid intelligence (think logically, solve problems, abstract thinking, and reasoning) and episodic memory (being able to recall memories from the past, like answers to an exam that you studied a day before), regardless of age

  • This suggests that maintaining a consistent tyrosine intake through daily nutrition can have positive effects on cognitive function (drink your Boost Coffee everyday!)

  • The study suggests that incorporating tyrosine-rich foods (or Boost Coffee) into the regular diet may be beneficial for cognitive health


Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea an Adaptogenic Herb meaning that it helps the body balance chemical imbalances. Rhodiola Rosea (RR) is known for its ability to decrease stress, anxiety and fatigue. It also helps improve cardio and strength training when mixed with caffeine

L-tyrosine provides people with a state of highly concentrated focus and thinking power for long periods of time and under vast amounts of stress (studying for midterm). It helps mitigate stress-related memory loss (looking at your exam and forgetting literally everything) to allow for a more productive and efficient study session. Powerful Cognition

1. The Effects of Rhodiola rosea L. Extract on Anxiety, Stress, Cognition and Other Mood Symptoms

  • The study examined the effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract on anxiety, stress, cognition, and mood symptoms

  • The results showed that the group receiving the Rhodiola rosea L. extract experienced significant reductions in self-reported anxiety, stress, anger, confusion, and depression after 14 days

  • Also showed improvements in their mood

  • Rhodiola Rosea was well tolerated and considered safe

  • Gradual and specific changes in psychological measures suggest that it was working and not due to any placebo effects

2. Rhodiola rosea L. Improves Learning and Memory Function: Preclinical Evidence and Possible Mechanisms

  • This study analyzed 150 studies revolving around the effects of Rhodiola Rosea

  • It was found that Rhodiola Rosea had positive effects on learning and memory function in animal models

  • The review showcased that Rhodiola Rosea can enhance learning and memory function, including its antioxidant properties, improvement of circulation

3. Stress management and the role of Rhodiola rosea: a review

  • The paper you described discusses the effects of Rhodiola rosea L. extract on anxiety, stress, cognition, and other mood symptoms

  • Rhodiola Rosea (RR) shows positive effects in mitigating and reducing chronic stress, chronic fatigue, and burnout

4. Rhodiola rosea: A Possible Plant Adaptogen

  • Rhodiola rosea, a plant extract, has positive effects on various aspects of our well-being, particularly when it comes to dealing with stress

  • Rhodiola rosea seems to work differently from other adaptogens by affecting our brain chemicals and receptors

  • Rhodiola shows promise when it comes to acute and chronic stress

  • Taking a single dose before experiencing stress can improve our function and prevent stress-related issues (exams, first date, talking in front of the whole entire class (why do professors make us do that?))

  • RR effects our brain chemicals and endorphins making it advantageous when consumed and faced with unexpected adn short term stressful situations

  • Rhodiola rosea may be beneficial for conditions characterized by imbalances in brain chemicals, this gives evidence towards potentially helping conditions such as: depression, schizophrenia, seasonal affective disorder, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome

  • Rhodiola rosea could be explored as an anticancer agent, potentially working in conjunction with certain medications

  • Rhodiola rosea is most clearly useful for a condition called asthenia, which occurs when we are overwhelmed by acute or chronic overwork (LITERALLY describing students...)

  • Asthenia is responsible for a decline in work performance, sleep disturbances, poor appetite, irritability, high blood pressure, headaches, and fatigue. 

5. Rhodiola rosea in stress induced fatigue — A double blind cross-over study of a standardized extract SHR-5 with a repeated low-dose regimen on the mental performance of healthy physicians during night duty

  • All patients completed the study without any adverse effects

  • After taking Rhodiola Rosea as supplementation for 2 weeks patients saw a significant improvement in total fatigue mesasured

  • Previous clinical trials with Rhodiola rosea products have demonstrated psycho-stimulating, tranquilizing, and antidepressive effects

  • Various studies have shown the stimulating effect of Rhodiola rosea on mental work capacity and its anti-depressant properties

  • The use of adaptogens like Rhodiola rosea in normal working conditions  (students) to combat non-pathological stress (your typical school stressors) could be highly practical

  • To summarize the study summarizes RR's ability to combat fatigue especially related to stress (Or that feeling when you are so stressed that you just want to take a nap)

6. Rhodiola rosea: A Versatile Adaptogen

  • The study discusses the medicinal properties of Rhodiola Rosea

  • People use Rhodiola rosea to boost their nervous system, reduce depression, enhance work performance, combat fatigue, and prevent sickness at high altitudes

  • Rhodiola rosea is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body resist stress and maintain balance

7. Rhodiola rosea

  • The study found that Rhodiola rosea root extract effectively improved symptoms of neurasthenia, such as fatigue, irritability, and sleep disturbances

  • This suggests that the extract can be a safe and effective treatment for patients with neurasthenia

8. Synergistic Effect of Rhodiola rosea and Caffeine Supplementation on the Improvement of Muscle Strength and Muscular Endurance: A Pilot Study for Rats, Resistance Exercise-Untrained and -Trained Volunteers

  • STUDENT-ATHLETES LISTEN UP!!! This is why Boost Coffee can be effective to drink before any sort of activity.

  • The study found that taking Rhodiola rosea along with caffeine for 30 days improved physical performance in both rats and volunteers who were new to resistance exercise. This included better grip strength, increased levels of EPO (a hormone important for performance), higher dopamine levels, and improved oxygen consumption

  • Caffeine helped release dopamine and other neurotransmitters, which reduced fatigue and improved athletic performance. RR and caffeine group had an increase of 12.65 % in dopamine

  • Participants had a better oxygen consumption rate, which indicates improved aerobic capacity or cardio and physical performance

  • Volunteers had a better performance taking a combination of RR and caffeine than either supplement alone. This included improving performances by increasing bench press strength and deep squat strength

  • This combination worked together to enhance exercise capacity. It increased hemoglobin production (blood cells that carry oxygen) and increased the release of dopamine which improved muscle recruitment (retrieving the muscle needed to complete exercise) and reduced fatigue

  • The study suggests that both individuals without exercise experience and those who are experienced in resistance exercise can benefit from RR and Caffeine supplementation

9. Does Rhodiola Rosea Possess Ergogenic Properties?

  • This study focused on reviewing other published studies revolving around Rhodiola rosea, I will discuss the findings from these studies 

  • Petkov et al. (24), rats showed improved learning and long-term memory after ingesting 0.10 mg of Rhodiola rosea extract

  • Spasov et al. (28) found that Rhodiola rosea extract improved motor skill test performance and academic exam scores in medical students

  • Rhodiola rosea extract reduced mental fatigue and increased well-being

  • Shevtsov et al. (27) found that a single dose of Rhodiola rosea extract improved capacity for mental work and reduced fatigue and stress

  • Rhodiola rosea has been suggested to influence neurotransmitters, transport of neurotransmitters, and the synthesis and activity of certain substances in the brain

10. The Effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea L. Preparations in Alleviating Various Aspects of Life-Stress Symptoms and Stress-Induced Conditions—Encouraging Clinical Evidence

  • RR extracts are used to manage asthenic conditions, including work decline, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and more

  • The extracts act as adaptogens to increase the body's resistance to stress and have cognitive and emotional benefits

  • Clinical trials have supported the effects of RR extracts on mental performance, stress symptoms, and quality of life

  • The extracts have been shown to improve physical fitness, neuro-motoric functions, and reduce fatigue and anxiety in students and cadets

  • RR extracts have shown promise in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and generalized anxiety disorder

  • The extracts possess anti-depressive activity and may have a more favourable risk-to-benefit ratio compared to conventional antidepressants

  • RR extracts have been used by athletes to enhance physical work capacity, improve endurance, and speed up recovery

  • Human studies have shown that RR supplementation can enhance resistance training performance and improve endurance exercise performance




Lion's Mane Mushroom

Lion's Mane Mushroom is an adaptogenic functional food that stimulates nerve growth in the Brain. The result of this nerve growth (NGF) is more effective cognitive function with memory and maintaining a healthy brain.

1. Chemistry, Nutrition, and Health-Promoting Properties of Hericium erinaceus (Lion’s Mane) Mushroom Fruiting Bodies and Mycelia and Their Bioactive Compounds

  • The paper discusses the chemistry, nutritional composition, and various uses of the culinary and medicinal functional food: Lions Mane Mushroom (Hericium erinaceus)

  • This mushroom is known for its beneficial properties that promote health in a multitude of different ways, giving it the name 'Functional Food'. These properties include:

  • Antibiotic: It can help fight against certain types of bacteria.

  • Anticarcinogenic: It may have the ability to prevent the development of cancer.

  • Antidiabetic: It can assist in managing diabetes.

  • Antifatigue: It may help reduce fatigue and increase energy levels.

  • Antihypertensive: It can help lower high blood pressure.

  • Antihyperlipodemic: It may assist in managing high levels of fats in the blood.

  • Antisenescence: It has the potential to slow down the aging process.

  • Cardioprotective: It helps protect the heart and promote cardiovascular health.

  • Hepatoprotective: It has properties that protect and support liver health.

  • Nephroprotective: It helps in maintaining the health and function of the kidneys.

  • Neuroprotective: It has protective effects on the nervous system.

  • Improvement of anxiety, cognitive function, and depression: It may help alleviate anxiety, improve cognitive abilities, and reduce symptoms of depression.

  • The mushroom's health-promoting properties are likely attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and immunostimulating properties within it's bioactive compounds found in the fruiting body of the mushroom (That's what Boost Coffee uses, specifically, only the best for the best ;))

2. Neurological Activity of Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus)

  • A double blind placebo study of men and women with cognitive impairments was performed. The tests showed that the group taking Lion's Mane Mushroom (LMM) had a significant improvement in cognitive function, and cognitive function decreased after consumption of LMM was halted

  • Another clinical trial demonstrated that LMM consumption reduced stress and anxiety in menopausal women

  • Doses up to 5 g/kg body weight per day are safe

  • No adverse clinical or biochemical events were reported

  • Allergies and sensitivities to mushrooms are possible

  • LMM appears to be safe and has potential as a neuroprotective and neurotrophic therapeutic agent for neurological conditions

3. Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. cultivated under tropical conditions: isolation of hericenones and demonstration of NGF-mediated neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells via MEK/ERK and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways

  • The study aimed to understand how hericenones from H. erinaceus affect the growth of nerve cell projections (neurites) and the underlying mechanisms involved

  • LMM is traditionally used to improve memory

  • Stimulates nerve growth factor which helps with the maintenance, development and survival of neurons in the brain. Preserving your brain’s cells will lead to a healthier happier brain

  • Prevents nerve damage and improves nerve function. Prevents harm to brain and increases nerve and brain effectiveness

  • Hericenone E, one of the compounds, boosted the growth of nerve cell projections when NGF was present by activating specific pathways in the cells

  • Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is important for the survival and development of nerve cells involved in memory, consciousness, learning, and attention. It's being studied for its potential in treating Alzheimer's disease

  • This study proves that it can help increase the recognition performance in mice as well as the decline of memory loss due to aging as well

  • Promotes hippocampal neurogenesis or the production of new neurons in the brain. Neurogenesis is important for learning and memory and is hindered due to diseases like depression anxiety as well as cognitive impairment

  • Lions mane mushroom can help increase coordination and enable accurate and well-coordinated movements

  • Regulates the myelin genesis process or the ability for electrical impulses to travel quickly and effectively from one nerve to the next which can have a positive benefit on your brain's reaction time and thought efficiency

  • Could be used to prevent or treat neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia

4. Therapeutic Potential of Hericium erinaceus for Depressive Disorder

  • The study suggests that Lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) may have potential as an alternative treatment for depression.

  • The mushroom contains bioactive compounds that can stimulate the production of nerve growth factors, which are important for cell growth in the brain

  • Antidepressant effects of Lion's mane mushroom have not been directly compared to traditional antidepressant medications

  • The paper reviews existing research on the potential benefits of Lion's mane mushroom for depression and explores how it might work to improve mood

  • The direct link to depression is unclear but is believed to be because of neurodegeneration and neurobiological changes

  • The monoamine hypothesis of depression suggests that the major signs and symptoms of depression are associated with a deficiency in the transmission within the monoamine systems, including norepinephrine, serotonin, or/and dopamine

  • Using lions Mane Mushrooms has similar effects to that of antidepressant drugs in animals and restores norephedrine, serotonin and dopamine 

  • H. erinaceus significantly ameliorates depressive disorder through monoaminergic modulation, neurogenic/neurotrophic, and anti-inflammatory pathways, indicating the potential role of H. erinaceus as a complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of depression


  • Brain fog, also known as mental fatigue, can affect concentration, memory, and mental clarity

  • Lions Mane is a mushroom known for its potential to combat brain fog 

  • Lions Mane boosts neurotrophic factors that maintain and repair neurons, leading to improved cognitive function

  • It promotes the growth of new neurons, improving memory and cognitive function

  • Lions Mane has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect the brain

  • Can help older people that have mild cognitive impairment and enhance their cognitive function

  • It has neuroprotective effects, potentially benefiting those with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

  • Lions Mane may enhance memory and learning abilities

  • It has shown promise in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression

  • Lions Mane also has immune system support, digestive health benefits, and may aid in wound healing

  • Lions Mane is generally safe, but it's advisable to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplemen

  • The recommended daily dosage of Lions Mane extract for cognitive support is 500-3,000 mg

6. Support Memory, Focus and Cognition with Lion’s Mane

  • Lion's Mane mushroom has potential benefits for cognitive health, particularly in supporting the brain and nervous system

  • It contains organic chemicals that increase the production of Nerve Growth Factor, which can help regenerate damaged neurons

  • A study on older adults with mild cognitive impairment found that taking Lion's Mane extract for four months led to increased cognitive function

  • Lion's Mane has antioxidant properties that can protect the brain from oxidative stress and inflammation

  • It may have potential in managing and delaying neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

7. Herbal Highlights: Lion's Mane Mushroom - Effects on Cognitive Function, Health Benefits, and Nutritional Profile

  • Lion's Mane mushroom is highly nutritious, rich in protein and essential amino acids, making it a valuable addition to the diet, especially for vegans (or students)

  • Studies suggest that Lion's Mane may have mild sedative effects and could potentially help with milder forms of anxiety and irritation

  • The cognitive benefits of Lion's Mane seem to be dependent on continuous daily intake, as discontinuation of the supplement leads to a rapid decline in cognitive performance (A Boost a day keeps the brain awake)

  • Lion's Mane is generally safe to consume, but diabetics should monitor their blood sugar levels as it may have a slight anti-hyperglycemic effect

8. Prospecting medicinal properties of Lion's mane mushroom

  • The paper focused on extracting bioactive components from Hericium erinaceus mushroom fruiting bodies

  • Both extracts of the different bioactive compounds had positive Anti-oxidant effects (prevent and delay cell damage) and helps with stress and stress disorders 

  • One of the extracts was especially strong against lung cancer cells

  • The extracts were good at fighting things like germs and could kill different types of bacteria

  • These findings show that the extracts from Hericium erinaceus could be helpful for making new medicines that work in different ways

  • They also possess antimicrobial and anticancer properties, making them valuable for medical applications

9. 17 Facts about Lion’s Mane Mushrooms

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, polysaccharides, erinacines, and hericenones, which promote good health and stimulate nerve growth factor (NGF) synthesis (NGF means that it helps grow new nerves in the brain replacing damaged ones improving the efficiency of cognitive function)

  • Get your daily dose of vitamins, they are a good source of protein and vitamins B, C, and D

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, protect the brain from age-related decline, and improve cognitive function and memory

  • They are commonly cultivated due to their ease of growth, nutritional value, and medicinal properties

  • Research suggests that Lion's Mane mushrooms exhibit anti-cancer properties and may help prevent the spread of cancer

  • They boost the immune system by enhancing lymphocyte and macrophage activity ( immune cells found in the blood and lymph tissue, and Macrophages are large white blood cells that reside in tissues)

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce inflammation throughout the body

  • They induce NGF synthesis, which promotes the growth and survival of neurons, leading to improved cognitive function

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms have memory-boosting effects and may help reduce memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease

  • They exhibit antidepressant effects by facilitating BDNF signaling and promoting neuroplasticity 

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms can improve athletic performance by increasing endurance, reducing fatigue, and aiding in recovery

  • They improve gut health, aid digestion, and can help treat stomach ulcers

  • Lion's Mane mushrooms enhance wound healing when applied topically

10. The Anti-Dementia effect of Lion's Mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceum) and its clinical application

  • Conventional treatments for Alzheimer's disease focus on managing symptoms and delaying cognitive decline, but they do not reverse the damage

  • Research has identified compounds in Lion's Mane mushroom, specifically hericenones and erinacines, that stimulate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF), which is important for neuron maintenance and regeneration

  • A clinical study involving elderly patients with various conditions, including dementia, found that consuming 5g of dried Lion's Mane mushroom daily for six months led to improvements in perceptual capacities and overall functional independence

  • While these preliminary findings are promising, further research is needed to validate the benefits of Lion's Mane mushroom in brain tissue regeneration and its potential as a treatment for cognitive disorders

  • ​



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