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Once Upon A Time, A Boy Was Born. A boy who grew up in a small town, in a small family, in a cozy home. This boy would wake up every morning to the smell of fresh coffee being brewed by his parents as the red fiery sun rose, the smell drifting from the pot, through the hallway, under his door and in his nose like a Disney cartoon.


I grew up loving the smell of coffee but never tried it because I wasn't "old enough yet". Then one fateful day at camp, fresh in the morning, dew on the grass and the sun rising above the horizon. My dad asks me "want a cup" in his hand a steaming pot of coffee. I had a cup, a taste, of that magical cup of liquid gold... and from there it was history.


I decided that I wanted to start a coffee business when I was sitting in the grimy, dirty basement in a room located in a grain factory. The one thing I knew was there is absolutely no way I would be sitting in this windowless, cell serviceless room was going to be the rest of my life, I wanted more. I wanted to create my own coffee company because I worked at a local coffee shop and absolutely fell in love with everything coffee.


Fast forward to my second year of university, I knew I wanted to have a coffee company but it needed to be different, it needed to be great. I came up with the idea on my way home from the gym looking at the supplements in a tub of pre-workout and boom it hit me, "What if I put the same focus supplements used in this preworkout but in a coffee for students to help them focus in school. The idea was born.


Two years of research and ideation later I came up with the different supplements that I felt were the most researched, used, and effective natural nootropics on the market. I also learned that these supplements go way above and beyond focus, they help with many areas in your mental health, brain health, and cognitive functionality, especially when mixed with caffeine (The perfect combination!). I loved every second of the process of creating Boost Coffee and now I want to love every second of the process getting this amazingly beneficial coffee to you, to students alike, everywhere struggling to get by, downing six coffees a day with no effects, and searching for useless alternatives.


I am Boost Coffee and I want to help you be the best student you can be, no screw that, the best person you can be. And that all starts with waking up in the morning, that all starts with that first sip of coffee. Boost Coffee was created with passion, research and a goal to help the student population everywhere. We want to be along for your next journey, your now mission, and all the sh*t you gotta do. So, here I am pleading to you, to everyone, standing on top of a big bright stage screaming to you to just try this coffee and see what the world has in store for YOU. This is NOT your average cup of joe.


Boost Your Brain With Boost Coffee.


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